Week 2
Sweetcorn and kale soup with brown bread
Watermelon and orange wedges
Snack – Vegetable fingers and a selection of fresh fruit
Second snack - Variable snack selection of fruit, breadsticks, biscuits, or rice cakes.
Dhal curry with winter greens with okra and steamed rice.
Winter fruits with natural yoghurt
Snack – Melba Toast with spread and fresh fruit
Second snack - Variable snack selection of fruit, breadsticks, biscuits, or rice cakes.
Broccoli and red onion stew with potato and winter squash mash.
Tangerine and pineapple slices
Snack – Oatcakes with cream cheese and fresh fruit selection
Second snack - Variable snack selection of fruit, breadsticks, biscuits, or rice cakes.
Wholegrain couscous with kale peas
Winter fruits natural yoghurt
Snack – Winter fruits with natural yoghurt
Selection of Fresh fruit
Second snack - Variable snack selection of fruit, breadsticks, biscuits, or rice cakes.
Five bean stovies with kale and broccoli and turnip mash
Banana and apple slices
Snack – Rice cakes with cream cheese and fresh fruit
Second snack - Variable snack selection of fruit, breadsticks, biscuits, or rice cakes.