We Are Servicing Our Key Workers
Dear parents,
As the local health authorities have asked private childcare facilities to help limit the spread of the Corona virus outbreak, we at Elmwood Nursery will of course do our part. Therefore Elmwood will be closing it´s doors today, Friday March 20th and not opening until health authorities deem it safe and advisable to do so.
We will be providing service for children who have at least one parent belonging to the official UK list of key workers. We are proud to be service the children of key workers while at the same time doing our part in fighting this invisible enemy.
We will also be offering school aged siblings of these children to come with them to Elmwood, providing a safe space for them while their parents work. Please be in contact with Carolann regarding this.
The day-to-day functioning of the nursery will be different from usual in many ways and we will base the activities we offer on the needs of the children that attend.
As we have to head to guidance for social distancing, we will do our utmost best to protect the children, parents and our staff as much as possible. Please note the following points:
Elmwood will continue as this for as long as we can. If our staff get ill or the guidance of health authorities changes we are conscious that at some point we might have to close completely.
We are splitting the nursery in two independent “safe zones” with no contact between them with much less children than usual so we can spread the children more than usually.
We are ready to make the third “safe zone” if needed for our key workers.
The safe zones will limit possible spread of the virus and lessen the possibility of full closure of te nursery if a Coronavirus infection is discovered in a staff member or child.
Practical information
Siblings will be together so the zones will be with mixed ages.
The staff will be split on the two zones with no contact.
Everybody has to buzz at the door as a member of staff will welcome the child and take in in.
Entrance for zone one is from Elmwood´s carpark to the astro grass field (the side door).
Entrance for zone two is through the front gate and front door of the main building
There will be extra cleaning of the facilities every day so we will send every child home with all their belongings at the end of the day.
We will multiply the hand washing routines with the children and staff and have extra cleaning few times a day to disinfect vulnarable places like toilets, taps, doorhandles etc.
Lists with names of the children in each zone will be sent to you in the next hours.
At last, we remind you all of the official guidance: If you or your child shows symptoms of corona virus infection, a new continuous cough or high fever/temperature (37,8 c or greater), do not bring your child to Elmwood. Stay at home, keep to guidance of social isolation for 7 days and call your GP or NHS 24 (111) if your symptoms get worse or don´t improve after 7 days.
Our warmest thoughts are with you in your important work, stay safe – we will go through this together.