Elmwood Closes
Dear Elmwood parents,
Our children and our families are in our hearts and minds in these unprecedented times. The Corona virus outbreak is disrupting all our lives and understandably many people are worried and anxious about what the future may hold. This is the time to be kind and give that extra smile or some encouraging words. A little goes a long way. We will all do our best to weather this storm together.
We have been in contact with many of you in the last days as things are getting clearer regarding closures of schools and nurseries in Scotland.
Local health and school authorities do not have the power to close down a private nursery like Elmwood in this case, but they have asked that private childcare facilities take their part in limiting the outbreak of the virus and we will of course do our part. Therefore Elmwood will be closing it´s doors today, Friday March 20th and not opening until health authorities deem it safe and advisable to do so.
We will be providing service for children who have at least one parent belonging to the official UK list of key workers. The service for these children will be limited and as we have to head to guidance for social distancing, the day to day work of the nursery will be different from what it usually is.
If you belong to the list of key workers and have not been in contact with us, please do so as soon as you can today. Send an email to admin@elmwoodnursery.co.uk and Carolann and Anne will react as quickly as possible.
We will do everything in our power to support our staff so we can keep the nursery afloat through these stormy waters and be ready for full service with our great team when we can welcome our children and parents again. Therefore, we ask all parents to support us and understand that we can not repay the fees for the last week of March. It is with heavy hearts we are also asking parents to pay a portion of their monthly fee each month, should the nursery remain closed for an extended period. Our suggestion is 35% of your monthly fee, which will confirm your place and help and support our staff team untill we return to normal life. You will be invoiced in the beginning of April for everybody who wants to guarantee a place in Elmwood when we return to normal life again.
Dear parents, please let us know your thoughts. We understand if you are not able to contribute and also, please let us know if you want to contribute a little less or more as some parents has been so kind to offer us.
With your contribution and in good faith in the lifelines from the city council and government, insurances and help from our bank, we know that we will secure Elmwood´s future.
Thanks again for all your support and kind words in these hours of uncertainty and we wish you and your family all the best in the coming weeks.
Carolann and the Elmwood team